
Monday, November 23, 2009

Project Completed

I just showed you this huge find at the DI!
I know totally Ugly right??

But with the whopping price of $ was a must have!

This frame was massive.
So we ( and when I say " we" I mean my sweet Hubby) cut it down. We cut the frame and the canvas to the size I wanted it!

Then after my slave (heehee) reassembled the frame,
we filled it with wood glue where it needed it.
And sanded it slightly.
Then painted!

The frame black ( I know a real shocker!)

And painted the canvas too.
This part I changed my mind on several times.
So it went from white, to antique white, to white again.

After assembling the pieces. I started to lay down my vinyl that my super talented sis-in-law designed!

So simple, but elegant!

Now for some new candles (different color, I am thinking orange) and some new accessories to make this look even better!
I love it!
It makes such a bold statement!

I wish I could take credit for this fabulous idea, but I totally got it from the talented and fabulous women over at Joys of Home.
She is amazing and totally inspiring!

If you want to make one too. My sis-in-law is selling the vinyl. It is 12.50 for the large design, 9.50 for a medium design, and $7.50 for a small one.
And shipping is only 2.00 no matter where you live! So head on over to her site and let her know if you want one too!


Thursday, November 19, 2009


Here are two GORG goodies I found at the local thrift store.
I have some serious plans for these babies.

Giant canvas framed print of the TETONS.
Super UG...but wait, hopefully soon pretty!

This FAB bench. Don't you love the lines.
I am soooo excited!

Although it screams 80's...It was calling my name!

Hopefully I can finish these projects soon and show ya~

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Mirror Reveal

So I showed you this DI goody!

That I then painted to this color of brilliant white.....

Then I left you hanging.
But wait no more.

Wall mirror turned centerpiece

I had some couples over for a dinner party.
The best part is, I felt like it was "rehearsal" for Thanksgiving. I got to see what it would look like all set up before hand!

Layering colors and textures....

And all lit up............


The best thing about this set-up is that it cost me next to nothing.
I have been collecting white dishes from the DI for awhile now, never paying more than 1.00 or less per piece. All different pieces (which my sisters do and I fell in love with).
The place mats, brand new from DI, .25 each.
All the glass votive's, candle holders, etc, napkin rings and such also DI.
The only "splurge" (if that is what you call it...NOT) is the goblets from Dollar Store and the napkins (which are hand towels sold in a pack of four) from Wally World.

I debated to show this, cause I wanted my sisters to be surprised what it will look like, but oh well!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Gift Idea

Who doesn't love a good, relaxing, moisturizing, bath?
I make this recipe all the time and keep it in a large air tight jar.
But it is perfect for any gift giving occasion.
And incredibly inexpensive and quick to make!

Homemade bath salts

* 1 cup fine sea salt
* 1/2 cup Epsom salt
*1/2 tsp liquid glycerin (skin moisturizer) (optional)
*few drops of essential oil (opt.)

I never use the liquid glycerin. I sometimes add a few drops of essential oils, but most of the time I don't. I just add a few tablespoons of this to my bath water.
And trust me it is soothing!

Plus, I know you all can decorate a jar all cutsie for a gift!
So give it a whirl!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Girls Bedroom

This room has changed several times. And I think I have finally got it mostly done!
This is how we viewed it before we bought this house.

I hastily painted and tried to pull the room together. And was satisfied for some time, but ya know how it is when you do something quickly. You end up regretting it or wanting to change it!
So then it was this~

But this time around I have been taking my time. I kept most all the pieces. Just rearranged and went for a more "daughters are growing up" look!

But after adding the DI bed I re-did and then new bedding my mom made out of clearance sheets. I am loving the girls room!

I love mixing patterns and prints.

~A reading lamp for ambiance ~

My lime leather DI chair.

With my Great Grandma's window~

And finally...I feel like this space is mostly complete.
Fresh lines and no clutter!

The best part is, the bed, end table, lamp w/ shade, baskets, and leather chair are all from DI. Just needed some TLC and redo's. The curtains, bedding, and lots of pillows, were made of out clearance sheets or clearance fabric.

I love decorating while pinching pennies! Don't you?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hurricane Candle Lamp

I thought this candle lamp would be so pretty.

Not sure where I will put it, but I like it.

So I gave the base a quick spray painting.

And old lamp= new lamp!


Now to find a candle to go in it!
I think it would be pretty at a table setting for two!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mirror redo

I got this lovely at the DI for $5.00. I think it is gorgeous how it is.

It has great details.

But I have plans for this guy. So I painted him high gloss white. And sanded him down.

But I am not quite ready to show you what I intend to do with it.
So you will have to wait!
I can't wait to show you!
I am super excited about this GORG find!

Old lamp, New lamp

I am obsessed with lamps. If I had the space I would have several lamps in each room. They set the perfect ambiance! My bedroom lamp was fine...but when I saw this, I had to have!

The price tag was right!
$2.00, Holla?
Even though the lamp shade was in definite questioning. I new I could easily swap that out!

With a little touch of paint and a new shade....VOILA!

Love it at night!

Centerpiece redo

I forgot to take a before picture of this pine crate.
It was just unfinished and plain.
And should I mention a whopping .50 cents?

I spray painted it black, slightly sanded the corners, and added candles in the center, then filled the surrounding with faux fruit!
Perfect for FALL!

I love it all lit up at night!

Pinching Pennies Laundry Soap

So I am not sure how many of you are familiar with the "Duggars" family. Ya know, the lady who has 18 children. I will admit when I heard about her I was skeptical and had already judged her in my mind of all the many reasons that was WAY to many children. However, watching their families series occasionally on TLC has totally changed my mind. She is AMAZING! If anyone could have that many children it would be her and is her! Not only did I totally misjudge her, I also never realized how much I would look up to her. Call me crazy but she is FABULOUS!!!!

There home is gorgeous and massive. In perfect order, she home schools, also spends regular one on one time with her children, she teaches them to be self sufficient, how to manage money, they are completely debt free, they teach their children about God, and she is FRUGAL!!

So anyways we watched this series where she told all the ways they cut corners to penny pinch. And she showed how they made their own detergent. Beau happened to be watching it with me and kept saying "let's try that." He was more enthusiastic about it then me, but I decided it couldn't hurt. So we turned it into our "Frugally Fabulous FHE" and had the kids help out! It was a blast and seriously works just as well as my Tide!!

Here is what you need~


*In a saucepan bring your water to boil on med/high
*While the water is boiling, grate one bar of your soap.
(She recommends Fels -Naptha, Ivory, Sunlight, or Zote's bars. But after researching online, I found another lady who changes the recipe and buys whatever soap is on sale. I used Ivory and my mom has tried the Fels-Naptha)

*Slowly stir in soap flakes, a handful at a time, into your boiling water.
*Stir until soap is dissolved and melted


*Fill your 5 gallon bucket halfway full with hot tap water.
*Add your melted soap mixture, baking soda, and Borax.
*Stir until powder is all dissolved
*Fill the rest of your remaining bucket up with more hot tap water.

*Stir again
*Cover with lid and let sit for overnight or 24 hours to thicken

(all liquid concoctions will be different depending on the type of soap you use. Mine was a slightly gell-y watery substance.)

*After your liquid detergent sits for allotted time frame, Stir. And fill a liquid soap dispenser (I used an old fabric softener container) and fill halfway full with mixture. Fill the remaining container full with hot water. (So every time you dilute your mixture)

*Shake before every use

Yields: Liquid soap recipe makes 10 gallons
*Top load washer -5/8 cups per load (approx. 180 loads)
*Front Load washer- 1/4 cup per load (approx. 640 loads)

This was so easy to make and I really feel like it cleans well. I used a non-scented bar of Ivory. But I think next time I will try the scented for a smell.

All the supplies (including bucket and lid and tax) cost $8.96. After I did the math on how many loads I can make out of the baking soda & Borax it cost us
$1.86 for the ten gallons. (640 loads)

If any of you try this I want to hear what kind of soap you use and how you like it to!!

I just re- made this recipe and used Dial pomegranate soap.
Can we say DELISH?