
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Chest Of Drawers Armoire Redo

Seriously I am having thrift store anxiety. 
I haven't been for awhile now and I am itching to get my hands on a killer find like this one.
I found this one over a month ago. 
It was LOVE at first sight.
{sorry I forgot to take pictures as I went what I have will have to do!}
Isn't it fabulous?
My husband was mortified. 
HE definitely could NOT see the potential of this piece. 

We unscrewed all of the hinges, handles, and knobs and gave them a nice new personality with my favorite stuff.

It totally brought them to life too!

We then painted this piece with black paint. 
And finished it off with clear coat spray.

Finally, now to enjoy.....

Well, someone else gets to enjoy it! I resold it within 2 days!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

DIY Pillows

I got this great find at the DI for $4.
I knew it needed something though...

So while I was visiting my sis, we decided to make some super cute and unique pillows!
We grabbed some canvas that she already had at her house and we cut out our pillows.

To give our pillows some PizZaZz we used fabric pens and stencils from Wally World.

On one of my pillows I decided not to stencil on it but to add a fabric flower.

On the next two pillows I used the stencils and marker to give them a cute design and saying.

Put them all together and I would say that the basket looks much better and not so plain.
Now on to painting the basket....

Love, Sav