
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Laundry Room Wall

I really love having a separate laundry room off the garage. It is nice to have the kids come home and be able to take their shoes, coats, and backpacks off without those items being strewn all over the house. However, I don't really love tripping over shoes, coats, and backpacks, which is usually the norm around here. I knew I needed a better organized system in the laundry room to make it a "trip free" zone. 

I wanted to use a wide bead board/paneling to be placed horizontally across the wall.
To give my laundry room wall a more welcoming feel and also for an easily wiped down surface.

A large white sheet can be purchased at home depot for around $20.00.
{This project took exactly one sheet}

I also purchased some 1x6 MDF to use as molding for the top of my bead board.

I like to use the baseboard MDF for several reasons. It is inexpensive, the outside is already white which cuts out priming, and it is easy to work with.

I also purchased robe hooks to use for their backpacks.

We measured the bead board to the wall and cut out the outlet holes. Then simply pin nailed it to the wall.
Next we placed the MDF 1x6 flush against the top of the bead board/paneling. 

Once the boards were all in place, my husband filled the holes with wood filler and lightly sanded it after it dried. Then I gave the whole thing a clean two coats of white paint!
Next we simply screwed in our 5 robe hooks.

I also wanted this small space to be cheery and inviting as the kids came home from school, so 
I dug out an assortment of frames (from my frame bin) and spray painted them all white.

I framed a few of my favorite printables and hung them on the wall! 

 It turned out perfectly!! 
And guess what? No more tripping over backpacks and coats!
Errrr....the shoes...well...that is another story.


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Ledge Shelf

Have you seen the wonderful ledge shelves all over pinterest? I believe I saw a ledge shelf first on Shanty 2 Chic . I knew right away that I HAD TO HAVE ONE.
  I have this lovely wall that has given me so much heart ache and confusion. 

The angle has made me second guess everything I have considered putting there. 
But when I came across a few different styles of ledge shelves, I knew it would work perfectly. I could mount the shelf to the wall, centered, but use frames to stagger the heigth to work with the wall. 

My sister, Hanna, also recently added 4 gorgeous ledge shelves to her home. When I saw them in person I knew that I was on the right track and seeing her's only solidified my decision.

This is what I used.

{2} 8ft 1x4's
{1} 1x2 
Pin Nailer

YEP, that's it! Super easy!!
Of course I  opted to use my "man slave" --haha--that cute hubby of mine is pretty darn handy.

This is how you assemble it...

You could easily wood glue it too if you don't have a pin nailer.

Next mount it to your wall. We pin nailed it right into the studs.
{Sorry--this next pic is a "dumb phone" picture}

I have a frame bin. It is sad how obsessed I am with frames. I love oval frames, square frames, antique frames, pretty much any kind. So I buy lots at the thrift stores, because they always come in handy. I had everything already on hand that I used to decorate my shelf.
 I just simply spray painted a few items {ivy leaf is the green I used here} and framed some printables. 

 Doesn't it look perfect there? I am in love with it.

The best part is how narrow it sits to the wall.

 I love that you can see it from the front room too!
 {Yes, my daughter is feeding a baby sheep}

One more view...

See that banister? Well that is an upcoming post soon too! It is time for it to go bye bye.
Happy Crafting everyone.
Enjoy your week!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Refurbish FEVER

Some people get spring fever, I just tend to get REFURBISH FEVER. The sun comes out to play with it's glorious rays of goodness and I just want to spray paint, hammer, sand, just about everything in sight! 

My cousin, Ashlyn, and I spent an afternoon exploring the many thrift stores in this area. And oh my goodness, I found WAY too many treasures. (Well, they WILL be treasures when I am finished with them) 

I saw this lamp and wanted it instantly.
 The details on this lamp are so beautiful.

I don't think the original look is awful. I toyed with the idea to leave it, since gold is really trendy right now, but finally came to the conclusion to do it a crisp white finish . I gave it two coats of spray and then scuffed it up a bit to draw out all those details. I finished it off with a thick clear coat of spray to seal it.

 I found this lamp shade at Ross for $5.99. I am loving all the linen looks lately. This lamp shade has a linen look with flecks of gold .
 I am loving the end result. Perfect for my tv stand. (Watch for a post on that soon too)

Anybody else have refurbish fever?? 
