
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Old Metal Filing Cabinet Re-Vamp

$3 dusty old filing cabinet at DI.

To Re-vamp all you need is:
*your trusty old tote's of 12X12 paper
*pick you favorite mismatched pieces... (I like to go RAnDoM)
*Mod Podge/ paint brush

And Vvwaa-LA.....

And Full View of Top and Front....
I kept the sides and edges black, because I liked the contrast.


  1. So cute, and I love that you used a variety of paper. What a good idea!

  2. Oh wow... Now THERE's a mod podge project for you! I went a little smaller than that today, but I still had fun with it! I DO, however have a boring-looking old file cabinet though, that I do my best to hide, and I LOVE this idea! I think I may show my daughter this one too! Thanks for the inspiration! ~tina

  3. LURVE. LURVE!! This is such a good project for everyone! I think I might show this idea to the young woman who are off to collage in our ward. I'm supposed to teach a class in February!Thanks Ali, so creative!

  4. Wow! Good job seeing the potential in that MESS! Great outcome.

  5. this cabinet must have belonged to the same metalhead dude who had the dresser with all the stickers on the mirror that you refinished. If I close my eyes and think, I can just imagine his decor...scaaarrry.

  6. I'm going to try this with wrapping paper, since my dimensions are a bit larger. Stupid thing is so old and banged up...


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