
Friday, April 23, 2010

Boys Bed Part 2

Remember this post?

 When my hubby and made a bed from KNOCK OFF WOOD ?
And when I say ..."...and I" I mostly mean my hottie of a man slave!

Well, we finally got around to painting it!

Then I sanded the edges slightly.

And we gave it a nice stain coat. We used Dark Walnut.

And finally assembled it in the boys room!

Notice the mattress underneath?
We changed the plans slightly to leave room for a trundle. So that is our next project!
I absolutely love it!
I hated to show it to you without the new bedding. But that will have to be another post. When I am finished. 
So keep watching for that post!

Don't you just LURVE?
I know I sure do!


  1. Looks wonderful! I love Knock Off Wood. I just need time and power tools and then I will start building!

  2. What a wonderful project and great workmanship by your MAN! Love it. Be sure and show it again when the trundle is done.


  3. Looking good! Great idea to incorporate a trundle.

    ~ Tracy

  4. WOW! This turned out so great, I love the distressing you did!!


    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!
    Meet Virginia!

  5. I love "Created with LOVE by Bonnie." So true, Boogs.

    I really am impressed--and I like it much more than the bunk beds--does the room seem bigger?

  6. Just found your fabulous blog, I love all your step by step tutorials. I'll be follwoing along and will be back soon.

  7. love, Love, LOVE it!!!! and BTW Bon I FINALLY found your candlesticks!!! Yay!!! Tell me when and where and I will get em' to ya! Muwah


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