
Monday, December 6, 2010

Inexpensive Partical Board Frames

Hanna created this idea years ago. 
And it has never gotten old or out of date! 
It is something that anyone can do very inexpensively and easily!
The variations and possibilities are endless!!

First get some particle board.
This is SUPER inexpensive to buy, but usually it is a wood that is left over a lot on job sites. So ask a friend or contractor for their leftovers.

(This is one our sister Sharla created while she was here for a visit)
Cut the particle board down to whatever picture size you want!

Next, Paint your particle board. 
We used black spray paint. 
But it takes a lot of coats, so tole paint is a little easier with this project!

 Then, get some old picture frames.
DI, Dollar Store, and Yard sales, are all good places to pick up frames for .50 cents or less!
The one below is a Dollar Store frame!
Paint those as well.
 While your picture frames are drying, take your painted particle board and apply a coat of modpodge. This seals the particle board and makes the board pop out.

 Now get your dried picture frames and line them up on your board the way you want them to be displayed. Use a backer and small pin nail to secure the frames.
(TIP- After the frames are hung with pictures use some double sided tap at the bottom of the frames to keep them securely in place. This allows the frames to not move, but you can still replace the pictures as needed!)
 To give the top of this frame a little more Pizazz, we found an old 1x4 laying around an cut it down to fit the frame. Then we painted the 1x4 white,  applied a piece of vinyl to it , and then painted over top of the vinyl black. So when we pulled off the vinyl we had a stenciled design.

Next we pin nailed the 1x4 in place.
And VOILA...a frame that cost $3.50 to make.

Here is another variation.
The corner lines are just sanded in to create a faux look of a pieced together frame!
And there you have it! 
An easy and inexpensive gift idea that will WOW your friends and family!!
Go now- I know you want to make some!


  1. I LOVE these frames, I copied the picture over a year ago and put it into my "craft ideas" folder. I just haven't gotten around to it yet, but seeing this post has re-inspired me! :)

  2. I so love that big white one with your kiddies tooties. So dang adorable.Is that a real frame in the middle of that?? Can you walk me thru it?

  3. This is an awesome, classy idea. I want one. :-) I'm bookmarking it to pull out some cold winter day--wonder what hubby would say about spray painting in the garage? ha!

  4. Kari- that is a real frame in the middle. Just use your particle board as the back drop. Hammer a nail in (like you would on your wall) to hang the frame or frames where you want them. This way you can replace the picture over and over with new ones!! Make sense!?

  5. I love particl board, I made a coffee table top out of particle board covered with a frame with glass in it. I just clear coated the particle board it looked neat.

  6. Oh my!!! I have got to try this right now!! Off to find some particle board!! :O) Thanks!! :O)

  7. Such a great idea! Am going to try this for Christmas gifts! Thanks!

  8. Love these!! The white one is my fav!


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