
Saturday, January 16, 2010

T-Shirt Re-vamp

So I live 6 houses away from a BRAND NEW DI, and I decided I wanted to take a go at "refashioning" for my first time.
I have had this idea to make a loose fit/trendy/tank you see all the girls wearing, but TOO expensive for my taste.
So I knew I needed a shirt a couple sizes too big....(only $3 at my local DI)

So this is what I found. And forgive me, but I got a little excited last night and forgot to take pictures with each step.
I totally made it up as I went I don't know if it would have helped.
BUT I LUUUUURVE, love, LURVE, the finished product.
Right now I have totally needed some shirt to disguise the growing belly underneath the clothes, which is only going to get bigger in the next 6 months.... so I think I will try to make a couple more and be slower to take pictures at each step.... for all of YOU!

My FIRST refashion!
What do you think?


  1. I love it Ali, it's So fattering. Great Job!


  2. Love the shirt you are going to be set for the summer. I am so excited for you when are you due?!?

  3. FLATTERING! My first comment was not a slam on being pregnant, it was an honest mistake! Kinda funny huh?


  4. So cute! I will have to give that a try.


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