
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Freaky...To freakin' Fab

I have been looking for 4 little chairs, for a project I wanted to do in the girls room.
 I found 2 of these FREAKY chairs at "Savers," another great thrift store. I was thinking "FRUMPY MUCH" but then my brain started to think how I could make these  work. (now I only have to find 2 more small chairs...hint hint...keep your eyes open for me ladies)

SO please do not zoom into this might vomit! 
I am thinking that they were left outside for sometime!  

1st steps:...disassemble
~ Then spray paint chairs desired color....although I LURVED the gold (throw up)...It will NOT do.
~Next, let them set while you do the fun stuff!!!!

2nd step...Recover seat
 What I do is lay the piece down I want to cover and add 4 inches to each side
Now...unlike my sisters I am lazy and just recover....I am a 80% (er) and I figure what you don't know, or can't see won't hurt you....DON'T JUDGE ME!

The I fold in all the edges and Hot Glue...Normally I would sew and nail, but my sisters have taught me how EASY a Hot Glue Gun makes things...AMAZINGLY EASY & FAST

Then onto the sides which I slowly do to watch where it is I can fix it as I go!

A nice picture of my Hot Glue Gun & Zebra Print finished and ready for the SKIRT to be added....

Now with the skirt....
I just left one side raw and ironed a 1/4 inch seam on the opposite side. (back to
80%-ing  it) So if you set  your stitch to a 4 your sewing machine is smart enough that is usually automatically bunches it for you can see in the picture!

~Then onto your nifty Staple/Nail Gun (One of my FAVORITE TOOLS, besides my Chop Saw) Staple on the skirt on the main points...then whip out that Hot Glue Gun to get the in between spots you missed...

Now that you have everything done...GO GET YOUR CHAIRS LADIES...and a screw driver or ANOTHER one of my MUST HAVE TOOLS, and Electric Screw Driver....and screw in that seat! As you can see another place I skimp is on the bottom...WHO'S GOING TO SEE IT? (Besides all of you) :O) AGAIN DON'T JUDGE ME!

I added toile to the bottom of the Purple Chair... and I just ruffled & Hot Glued as I went...

Add whatever embellishments you would like...I love my little Posy's, and this one has a zipper in the center for more texture......
Are you guys getting excited?


Oh HOW I DO LUURVE these seats, and I can't wait to make 2 more MiSMaTcHed for their room.
Goodie Goodie Gum Drops...I love having inspiration, and the ability I have to create. 
I am so blessed with creative people around me, and people who uplift me to continue to create.
Love ya Ladies...Hope you Enjoy!


  1. Wow.....! Wow!!! I love those chairs. I feel inspired to find something similar for my girls, but I doubt I could do it with the same fabulous effect. Great job!

  2. ummmmm...when is your next visit!? I need those chairs and since I know you won't share better come and help me make some w/ the ruffle! I WANT AND NEED!!! Love it!


  3. Love the chairs. Almost makes me want to have a girl to create such cute things. Almost.

  4. Those are so cute and fabulous--I would have overlooked the originals. Glad you didn't!

  5. (that's tulle anonymous) which I love too. Very creative!

  6. Wow thats so cute:)Very neat project. I am under the same mindset as you-What people cant see wont kill them

  7. Way cute! I just wanted to let you know also that I was looking for some of your ideas and I couldn't find it under labels. I found it after seraching and realized that you guys didnt have two labels up which was 'refashion' and before and after. I don't know if you meant to not add but I thought I would let you know =) keep up the great work ladies!

  8. that is an awesome transformation!

  9. Freakin Fabulous Ali!!!

  10. Soo cute!!! I think I will start lookin for some nasty chairs of my own to work on. Looks like tons of fun! Keep the great posts coming..I look forward to them :-)

  11. I love it!! And your theories on crafting- I am quite the fan of a glue gun as well! They came out gorgeous! I love the zebra one and my mother in law would love the purple one!

  12. OMG! These are so stinkin cute!! I never would have thought to put toile as a skirt! Luv it!

  13. THESE are SOOOO FUN! I know if I show this to my girls they will want MOMMY to do this for them! Thanks for the inspiration! Adorable!!

  14. So Stinkin' Cute! I love them!!!

  15. They look great! I especially like the purple chair.

  16. Love the chairs...what a HUGE surprise!!! jk LOL however I am super depressed that I wasn't the winner :-( look out I think I'm going to seriously hang myself......maybe with dental floss bwaa haaa hahaa I think only Bonnie will understand this but if you knew me you would TOTALLY understand!!! I'll still be addicted so keep up all of the fantabulous beauties!!!!

  17. Look at you- these are fantastic!
    We have a friday fun finds party- if you're interested, we'd love if you'd link up tomorrow! :)

  18. These are adorable. They came out great. I know my daughter would love them.

  19. Yes - 80 percenters unite! :) What a fab idea!

  20. They're adorable, how fun, I looove the fabrics you chose, they're sure to be treasured! Debbie @ Hann~Me~Downs

  21. Oh my goodness... they turned out adorable!! LOVE the added ruffles below! :)

  22. wow!!!! so cute . love the tulle!

  23. Oh my gracious! Those are so stinkin' cute! LOVE IT! GREAT JOB!

  24. Oh my Gracious! those chairs are so stinkin' cute! GREAT JOB! I love it!

  25. Oh my gosh! They are so stinkin cute! I wish I had a little girl to create for! xoxo Linda

  26. AH! Those are adorable. I, like others, would have passed up the originals. I'd never have thought to recover them. Der! I must make some for my girls now.


  27. These chairs are sooo cute. Great idea!

  28. WOW! These chairs turned out great!!! Loved your post.... Very funny!!!!

    Thanks for joining Get Your Craft on Thurs. at Life As Lori

    Please join me next week for another great party!

  29. wow. simply amazing!! you make it seem so easy! i want to go out to my local thrift stores and start lookng for some chairs to re do!!! love it! gonna put this link on my page so i can remember how to do it when i find one! ***crosses fingers***
    Thanks for sharing!

  30. Your chairs just turned out so cute. My daughter would have loved these. What am I talking about, I just love these :)

    Have a blessed weekend.

  31. I am sooooooooooooo glad to hear its ok to 80% it :) i am getting braver! lots of inspiration but no courage

  32. These are very cute! How clever to add a skirt to make them a bit more feminine. Great work!

  33. Wow, these are too cute! I love the tule you added to the skirt...I might have to "borrow" your awesome idea. :)


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