
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tile Backsplash

So I have been "content" with my kitchen for awhile now. Knowing that eventually I would change things and make it pop out more.
So when my fabulous sister in law ( picture below),

offered for her and her talented mother (picture below),

to tile some things for me, of course I jumped on it. 
I have seen their work and it is amazing

So after  the purchase of some fabulous tile, some free slave labor (tehe) , and some elbow grease, my back splash is even better than I envisioned!

Look at these ladies hard at work. 
I pretty much was good for nothing. 
:) (Don't be jell of my saweeettt oven hood)

My kitchen before...

 and after...

See the nasty window seal..

and after...
Much better and newer window seal.

and now with tile...




Now on to my cabinets, hardware, and some other fun kitchen projects. Stay tuned!!

Are you LURVING it as much as me?

These ladies are AMAZING!!


  1. I am totally Jellz! Already a nice difference...& then you said on to the cabinets!! So we get to see more transformation? Woo Hoo :o)

  2. I love the new backsplash! I think I have the same cabinets as you. Same color and same handles, too. i'm hoping to do something to them, just haven't decided what yet. I can't wait to see what you do next. Maybe you'll be my inspiration?! :)

  3. I do lurve it, completely! WOW!!! You are one lucky chica...not only for the awesome sis-in-law (and her Mom) but that is one fab vent-a-hood you're rockin'. LOL
    Peace & Love,

  4. Wow! It really does look amazing, Bon. You are lucky to have them thee to help you--I can't believe what a difference it makes. And you window sill looks GREAT!

  5. You are just adorable! How lucky you are to have such great family. I think your backsplash makes such a great statement in your already wonderful kitchen (hood and all!).

  6. That looks fantastic! You did a great job! I am trying to decide what to do w/ mine as well...

    Thanks for the inspiration!
    CraftTeaLady (aka Gina)

  7. SOOOOOOO cool!! Does your sister in law and mom live any where close to Boise, ID?!?!

  8. Wow those ladies ARE amazing. That looks sooo great. I can't believe how it updated your kitchen and I love the tile you chose.

  9. The back splash looks great! My hubby and I plan on doing this soon. Where did you get your tile? Looks wonderful!
    ~Michelle from This Too! That

  10. Suzanne,

    My SIL actually lives in Boise area and does this for people as a side job. She is great and also VERY reasonable!!

  11. Such a lucky girl! I am lurving with jealousy. I have to show Ron and lay some heavy hints on him. He has to see something first........he is a little, ok alot, more timid than I am about jumping into these projects. Can't wait to come over and see it!!!

  12. Mmmm I love tile! It looks great!

    Check out the frames we made...I'm still amateur at crafting, but I'm proud of these little babies! :)

  13. Sooooo incredibly on my to do list...except in shades of grey to match my counter tops and stuff! OooooohWee!

  14. I just love tile. The colors are perfect!

  15. Wow what a great makeover! Fabulous inlaws you have there!

  16. What a blessing to have talented family members. It looks beautiful!!

  17. Could you maybe send those gorgeous ladies on a little trip to England? Free bed and breakfast in exchange for a bit of tiling? Mwaaa, love it!

  18. Motivated -yes jealous-yes you have done some great projects.

  19. WOW!! This turned out so great! I love all the different tones of brown in the tiles!


    Meet Virginia Crafts
    Meet Virginia's Etsy Shop

  20. I do love the backsplash, but my favorite part of the whole post is the picture of nikki. Sexy mama! LOVE IT!

  21. I love before and after pictures! and this is a great one!!!!

  22. It looks so great! They are so talented!

  23. I LOVE your original 1960's - ish solid wood cabinets. I'd kill for them (ok, not really). You also have the original handles, swoon. If you are replacing your handles, I'll take the old ones! Seriously, contact me if interested. I'll pay via paypal and pay for shipping. I'm trying to get back to a kitchen look you are trying to get away from! I love the wood and the clean lines. Oh, and the tile is great too. Just distracted by the lovely cabinets!

  24. Bon...I had so much fun destroying your kitchen;) Next time up we will do the craft room...!!! Ummmmm the pix of me motivates me to lose a TON of weight...ughhh

    Bon thanks for everything!

  25. That turned out amazing! How nice of them to help you! Thanks for posting on Favorite Things Friday!

  26. You guys did such a great job! It is a huge improvement!

  27. I love this blog. It is so fun to see how you transform things. It is truly inspiring. I know you're sis in law and her mom. I am from the same home town as them. I knew they were sporty but didn't know the crafty side of them. :)

  28. I gave you the Sunshine Award on my blog today - thanks so much for inspiring me!

  29. You are spreading lots of sunshine cuz I gave you the sunshine award too!

    Jen at

  30. Ooh, I am super jel! So gorgeous!

  31. Wow the tiled wall looks so much better!

  32. So I'm wondering.....who is sharing their home on the parade of homes over at Poppies at Play???

  33. Just started following you and I love your blog! Can you tell me what the DI is?

  34. I love the tile you picked. It looks great, Ive been wanting to redo my ity bity kitchen for a while now! How Sweet to have somebody come and do if for ya. (spoiled)lol


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