
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Inexpensive Gift Idea

So me and my hubby are in between jobs, which makes the gift giving part of the holidays a bit tricky.  I am sure many of you can relate to something similar. So this year we decided that this will not put a damper on our holiday cheer, but that we will do a HOME MADE CHRISTMAS!
A few things we are making the kids are: Quilts made from all the old levis I have been saving, swords from scrap wood we have. ( I have three boys,this could be dangerous) Hooded towels, with monster and superhero themes, and a friend of my sisters is giving away cute puppies so we are also making them a dog house (also from the scrap wood pile).  
It has been a lot of fun making things for them!
I also wanted to think of something for my sweet neighbors and friends and this is a affordable, great gift, and made with love!

So, here is my idea.
Found these at wally world 2.00 for a package of two.
They come really big, so I can make two hand towels out of one flour sack.
Now I have 4 hand towels at 50cents a piece!
Can we say FABULOUS!!??
Fold, measure, iron, and cut!
I sewed the cut seam with the same color thread
 There are so many different ways you could make these, but I liked this cute bird template I found on pinterest. Which inspired this design.
I also used stencils and black fabric paint on this project.
I got these two inch ones at Wally World, but you could also just make your own.
So go get some  inexpensive fabric or pull out your scrap fabric.
 Here is the finished product.
So easy and versatile.
I don't know any woman who couldn't use a few extra hand towels in there kitchen 
Happy Holidays 



  1. I love flower sack towels! And your idea to cut in half and make these cute new ones is great. I also have cut mine in half because they are so big, but hadn't even occurred to me to embellish them like you did. Thanks for sharing!

  2. so fetchin cute! Absolutely love! Don't you have me for christmas this year... hand them over! :) haha! Love it shar!


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