
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Finished Gallery Wall

Should I be ashamed that it took me 9 months to finally finish my gallery wall? I mean all I had to do was fill in the frames with pictures. You would think because I am a photographer that the simple task of putting up a picture or two would have been easy, but no...I literally filled in the last picture frame this morning. And as sad as that is, I have new pictures of each child to put up again. SIGH....

If you missed how to make your own gallery wall for a small space you can check out the original post here.

So here is what it looked like when I first started.
And finally here is the AFTER now that it is all full.
Here is the top half.........

 .....and the bottom half........

 And finally the finished wall. 
It is nice to have a space for some of my obsessions- my kiddos, trees, and quotes.

It really makes such an impact in such a small and narrow hallway!
I love looking at it!!


  1. Lurve it Bon Bon. So unique and special!


  2. I got to see it in person! It really is the perfect way to decorate a small space.


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