
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Frequenting the DI

I get asked the question all the time "How do you find such good deals at the DI?" (or thrift stores). Or I hear over and over " I NEVER find anything good at the DI!"
I think the common misconception is that I find good deals EVERY TIME. Although I secretly hope and dream this is the case, it just isn't!
The trick or key is you have to FREQUENT the DI. (or thrift stores)

It is true, and I will confess, I go atleast 2 times a week, if not more.( I know...CALL ME CRAZY!)
I have become a pro.  I can walk in and quickly  decide whether it is a good day or bad day! I can scour the racks of clothes without touching them and pick out clothes by the look of the thread or fabric etc.
YES, I need serious help!!
I don't deny it!

But that is the big secret!
You have to go a lot to get good deals, or find really great things.

I hate the DI here to be honest. The prices are outrageous (occasionally they aren't) and there is hardly anything good. But they are in the process of remodeling so hopefully that will help! I do score every now and then, but it is total hit and miss!

I also hear "But the germs!"
People don't think for one second that I am not a GERM-A-PHOBE!
Trust me, I am.
The rules, (if my kids are with me) They aren't aloud to use the bathrooms there! HA! TRUE FACT!
And trust me when I say I probably have given a customer or two a peep show. 'Cause when I get to my van I am literally scouring and drenching myself in hand sanny! I am sure it is quite comical!

Finding a good deal is a rush.
I am sure the same rush those crazy coupon ladies get when they run to ALBY's and get massive loads of groceries for meager amounts of money!
Or the same rush you get when you win the lottery! (Ok maybe I am slightly reaching)

My sisters and I are oooooways calling each other bragging about our finds for the day!
For example, yesterday my thrifty savvy sister called me to let me know she found a HEAVY DUTY (the big kind) KitchenAID..w/ three attatchments! Ok the best part is the price....$6.00!
YES...I am telling the truth! And heck yes I was green w/ envy!:)
We are so crazy we started our own DI blog !
It is soooo fun to share our finds, brag about our finds, tease about our finds, or help each other find good deals!

It makes you want to run out and find the same kind of deal!

So my challenge to you is to start going a little more often.
Take that hand sanny! (douse in it if you have to)
But find something that is great for less!
The weeks after Christmas are perfect chances to find great stuff!
People are re-organizing and making room for all their new goodies!
So donations are higher!

And if you find something great I would love to hear about it!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Bowl and Plate Crazy

I did go bowl and plate stand crazy right before Christmas.
This project is so simple, inexpensive and easy!
Like I did here and here

So I made tons for Christmas gifts! For neighbors goodie plates and such!

First up, another fruit bowl or bowl stand!
Made by using another salt shaker, topped off. And a wooden salad bowl.

First glue them together and wait for glue to dry!

Then paint...two coats or more!

Sand the edges down...

And you have a quick and easy Bowl stand!
I forgot to take pictures of this displayed before I gave it away!
I wanted to keep it.
I loved it so much!
But forced myself to part with it!:)

Then I made tons of glass stands
Just buy the taper glass candle holders.
( I got mine at DI, 2 for $1.00. And the bowls/plates for no more than .75 cents. So you see this project is cheap)
Then bowls, etc, with a flat bottom.

Turn it upside down and glue it on.
I used epoxy gorilla glue!

The possibilities are endless!

Happy Creating Everyone!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Make and Take for January

Attention all Crafters you are invited to a MAKE AND TAKE.
For anyone and everyone who likes to craft, meet new friends, and have a girls night out!

Sign board & Snowflake

COST: $9.00
(this includes precut/drilled wood, paint, paint brush, sandpaper, finish spray, vinyl, ink . You will need to bring your own ribbon.)

Date: Wednesday, January 13th from 6:00-9:00pm
I will email you the address where.

Stands not included.
This sign board would also look great displayed on a easel!
(If you didn't purchase last months craft of the candle stick holders. Please contact me if you want some. They will be different than the above pictured!)

We will also be doing
Cost: $27.00
(This includes pre- assembled unfinished candlestick, black paint, paint brush, finish spray, sandpaper, pin nails, glue, etc)

tallest candlestick measures 2 ft 3 inches
medium candlestick measures 1 ft 11 1/2 inches
smallest candlestick measures 1 ft 5 1/2 inches

Please email or call if you want to sign up!
All money must be to me by January 8th in order to get your kit on the night of the craft!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Leaf Bowl

I found this wire leaf bowl at the DI.
I can't believe I forgot to take before pictures, but trust me it needed some tlc.

So I took this spray paint,
(Love this stuff. It goes on nice and even and quickly)
 and spray painted the bowl red.

 So pretty!

But I can't re use red all the time so then I spray painted a coat of white over top of that!

Then sanded it down so you could see the red too!

Then filled it with some red Christmas bulbs. To display in my house!

So simple and easy!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Easy Refashion

So I have decided that when it comes to an EASY refashion pieces, I can do it!
Don't get me wrong. I have all sorts of fashion ideas but lack two vital parts of creating.
I totally draw like my six year old and even then I think I might be insulting him.
And I can't sew.
A straight line I can handle. (As long as the you don't look close cause my line, isn't so straight.)
I have seen pieces at the store that I think "Oh if only I could take that in" and have tried. But after seeing the end result, I need to stick to the easy things! is my easy and inexpensive refashioned pieces.

I found these two dresses at the DI for $7.00 together. I found them months apart and totally lucked out 'cause I wanted white Christmas dresses this year!

I took the first dress and took off the sage ribbon.  Then to each I added this gorgeous red lace I found also at a thrift store, brand new I might add!

It is nice and thick! And makes such a statement!

Love the ribbon, but they both still needed some flare. So I ran to Robert's and got two flowers at 50% off. Then I added them to the dresses. A little stitch and a safety pin so the flower can be easily removed!

Much better!

And now two beautiful dresses ready for Christmas, wrapped up under the tree! With my whole total for two dresses @ only $12.00. Not to shabby!
Now to find the perfect sweaters and shoes!

Run now! 
Go get your re-fashion on!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

My How the Tables Turn

So just a few weeks ago I was at my sisters house having breakfast and she had one of those really cool twirly things in the center of her table. Ya know, the table turner thingy. She had all the syrup, butter, and toppings for the pancakes on it. It was then and there I told my self..."self you need one of these thingies too."

Well lo and behold, I found one at the local DI! And it was only $1.00. The only problem was it looked like this!

Blah on the bottom!

And totally wretchid on the top!
This puke green color actually worked for someone?

So with a coat of paint......or two ....

Some sanding and touch ups....

Table spinner now my style!

Now to use it!

Happy Re-Crafting everyone!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

O' Christmas Tree

A Christmas tree is so magical!
It is amazing how a plain tree can turn into something so beautiful!
All trees look different and unique.
Some display homemade ornaments and childrens projects.
Some display collections of a specific kind!

I wish I could just walk into peoples home and get inspired by all the different trees!
I am a big believer in adding to your tree every year. Swapping what you didn't like out and changing it overtime.

Last year I made these pieces out of scrap wood, paint, and vinyl.

I love them!

This year I took away more of the "rustic" ornaments. I still have some but am trying to go more elegant. I think by next year it may be closer to perfection.
But I do love how it turned out this year!

I added more gold glittery ornaments!

And all lit up.....

What do you put on your tree?

Friday, December 11, 2009


So using the same idea I did two posts down with the fruit bowl/ candle bowl,
I did goodie plates or candle plates!

I found two candle sticks and two paper towel holder bottoms. There are always tons of these at every thrift store I go to.

Flip the top over and glue down your candle sticks with wood glue.
Make sure to wipe away excess glue.
Let glue dry!

Now they are ready to paint!

I painted mine black. Two coats!

Then sand it down to show wood grain!
Love the cherry wood showing through!

I had an idea to add a plate to the top. So I got fast bonding epoxy Gorilla glue!
Perfect for the job!

I glued the plate down directly centered!

And finally, Voila!
This goody plate....

I found these brand new plates w/ words at the DI (along with the other wood pieces) for .50 cents each! The candle sticks were .50 cents each and so were the base pieces.

So $1.50 total to make each of these goodies plates! I am going to use them for neighbor gifts or teacher gifts!

But you could also make it a candle plate,, like this....
And it would be just as pretty without the plate too!

Well, I am off to make more!
Happy Crafting!!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Spray Paint Does Wonders

I am sure by now that part of my memory loss is due to the high amounts of Krylon, spray paint, and other aerosol products I use! But come on people, a few brain cells sacrificed to make something better is worth it right?!

I have been wanting some stocking ledge sitters for awhile now. But why do they all have to be in chintzy gold or silver? And not to mention they are $7-$9 each! And I need six! So I have been trying to find them. Finally, I found one. I know just one! But hey it is a start!

Chintzy Gold ( but this puppy is a heavy duty stocking holders)

A little white spray paint later~

The white will pop with my bold red stockings!

I have also been busy mass producing our Make and Take Craft~

It's tonight and I can't wait!
Hopefully tomorrow I will have more time to post a few more projects!
Happy Spraying Everyone!