
Saturday, April 24, 2010

My New Kitchen ReVAMPS....

This cute house had some TOTALLY drab features, and ones that REALLY freaked me out. Like the FLOOFY wood design around the China Hutch.  Of course this is the ONLY picture I I had to make it work, and make you giggle...(I don't think my husband will giggle at this WRETCH Wretch-ditt-ally-ETCHED picture of him...hee hee hee!)

I am a little bit of a Rooster Nut...I kept telling myself I was going to accent in Pears to try to get away from the "barn theme"...BUT it just couldn't happen...Call me a "daddy's girl...." I love myself some Roosters and Chickens and I do LOVE me some COLOR...hence the walls got a "HELLO" revamp

I collected things from DI, (of course) along with somethings I've held onto for awhile knowing  I'd use them somewhere...sometime.  I am still looking for some more old pots and pan in the old retro colors to hang above the sink and add them here and there on the walls.

Goodie Goodie Gum Drops
All I needed was 2 Yards of the Chicken/Rooster material...found at your local walmart
2X 7/16" 48" Spring Tension Rods (also Walmart)
And RaNdoM old peices that POP
Good luck on ROCKIN' you little tricky spaces


  1. Love the rooster theme you have going on. I enjoy shopping DI my self. There are many great treasures just waiting to be discovered there.

  2. Freakin' Fabulous! I love the colors you chose!

  3. I "had" a thing for roosters, but since I am redoing my kitchen...almost finished!...I decided to change it up! I had that same rooster fabric! I am a new blogger, so I regret I have not taken before pictures of my kitchen, but I will take them from now on! I am going to paint a colorful rooster white, to still use him. I will get a pic! I love your new kitchen! Nice to meet you! I am going to add you "following" list!

    ~Vicky @ sleeping in an unmade bed


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