
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Little Changes

I am in FULL NESTING mode. 
I want to get a million projects done, but move like a sloth.  It seems like I am getting lots done but they are little things here and there.
 It is amazing how simple little things can change a look or feel of a room!
I have been adding to my lamp shades like crazy!
I took this same "HOW TO" and made some flowers to add a little extra to some of my lamp shades.

Girls Room Lamp Before....
and AFTER...
 So much better and easy to make a difference!
I decided these need some refreshing too!
A little sewing and some new fresh fabric sure makes a HUGE difference!
And look at this HUGE project I am going to tackle soon for my girls room!
Oh, I am so in love with this piece. 
I picked this up for $35 @ a thrift store.
 She needs some TLC but she is going to be fabulous. 
So watch for that transformation!
Now onto my Bedroom.
 Lamp Before.....
And AFTER......
 It added a perfect color splash.
And I followed the color splash theme and added a little extra to my candlesticks too!

I simply painted a frame yellow, sanded it and hooked it on!
Hopefully I can show you the other fun things I have been working on big and small soon!
Until then


  1. Love the stuff!! I feel embarrassed I didn't even introduce myself to your sister or ask her name! I was just star struck I guess. You gals all have the best ideas! I love the amoire you got can't wait to see what you do with it!!!

  2. Great job Bon! Love the sweet pinks in your girls room.

  3. Love the lamps and that find at the thrift store is so awesome!

  4. love love love. I really want to add some color splash to my front room, but don't know where to start. feels like if I just did one 'little thing' that it would throw the room off until I did quite a few more little things... and I can't think of what color to add! love the splashes of bright yellow in your room!

  5. Hi! Just found your delightful blog, love, love, love your lamp shades. I also love the post about adding bling to your jeans. I just jazzed up a pair of jeans last week on my blog, but I used cotton lace and buttons. I really like yours! Can't wait to try it. All I can say is "Beautiful Eye Candy!" I'm looking forward to your future posts, your re-dos are amazing. Your newest follower, Connie :) Come visit my humble blog. My welcome mat is always out, maybe you'll decide to follow me too. (just an old retired lady having some fun with my art and many interests).


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