I just showed you this huge find at the DI!
I know totally Ugly right??
But with the whopping price of $4.00...it was a must have!
I know totally Ugly right??
But with the whopping price of $4.00...it was a must have!
So we ( and when I say " we" I mean my sweet Hubby) cut it down. We cut the frame and the canvas to the size I wanted it!
Then after my slave (heehee) reassembled the frame,
we filled it with wood glue where it needed it.
And sanded it slightly.
Then painted!
The frame black ( I know a real shocker!)
And painted the canvas too.
This part I changed my mind on several times.
So it went from white, to antique white, to white again.
This part I changed my mind on several times.
So it went from white, to antique white, to white again.

After assembling the pieces. I started to lay down my vinyl that my super talented sis-in-law designed!
So simple, but elegant!
Now for some new candles (different color, I am thinking orange) and some new accessories to make this look even better!
I love it!
It makes such a bold statement!
I love it!
It makes such a bold statement!
I wish I could take credit for this fabulous idea, but I totally got it from the talented and fabulous women over at Joys of Home.
She is amazing and totally inspiring!
If you want to make one too. My sis-in-law is selling the vinyl. It is 12.50 for the large design, 9.50 for a medium design, and $7.50 for a small one.
And shipping is only 2.00 no matter where you live! So head on over to her site and let her know if you want one too!
She is amazing and totally inspiring!
If you want to make one too. My sis-in-law is selling the vinyl. It is 12.50 for the large design, 9.50 for a medium design, and $7.50 for a small one.
And shipping is only 2.00 no matter where you live! So head on over to her site and let her know if you want one too!